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The South West's Industrial, Domestic  
Garage Doors & Automatic Doors Specialist 
The South West's Industrial, Domestic  
Garage Doors & Automatic Doors Specialist 
The South West's Industrial, Domestic  
Garage Doors & Automatic Doors Specialist 
The South West's Industrial, Domestic  
Garage Doors & Automatic Doors Specialist 

PVC Curtains 

Improve the working environment and you improve efficiency and productivity. But can you afford it? With PVC strip you can now protect staff from the hazards of draughts, noise, dust, spray and welding flash without paying the earth. 
Strip has come a long way since it was first hung from external doorways to cut our draughts when the door was in use. Its principle function still is energy conservation. But it is now used extensively elsewhere, taking advantage of its principle attribute – its ability to act as a protective barrier that still allows complete access ad two-way visibility. Lets see how PVC has been put to work for you. 
External Doorway Curtain 
Cutting draughts & heat loss 
What do you do with your busy doorway? Traffic and pedestrians have to pass through, but every time they do you can lose pounds worth of energy. 
A curtain of overlapping, heavy gauge strip will be a constant barrier to heat loss, usually paying for itself inside the first winter. Even when the metal door is closed, the ‘double glazing’ effect typically halves the door’s ‘U’ value to save even more energy. 
Traffic and pedestrians pass through the strips which then reform behind them; full vision of oncoming traffic gives total safety. Ordering options also include a curtain which pulls aside in summer and an automatic opening system which makes life even easier and greatly extends the doors life. 
Another potential benefit arises with air conditioned premises because the curtain will also keep expensive cool air in during the summer. 
Dust, Spray and Fume Barriers 
Protecting staff, retaining machine access 
Nothing is more unpleasant than dust, spray or fumes spreading round the workshop or factory. They can be potentially harmful to health or spoil the product, and can interfere with heating or cooling systems or necessitate expensive extractor equipment. 
Partition curtain or strip enclosures will contain the problem. Applications have included everything from glass fibre winding plant to garages – where car spraying or washing can be neatly divided off. 
Smaller operations can be contained with mobile booths. Hazardous testing equipment can be surrounded and the results observed in safety. 
Internal Thermal Partitions 
Keeping expensive heat in its place 
Many premises could greatly reduce their heating bills simply by hiving off and only heating the occupied areas – not the entire factory or warehouse. Floor to ceiling strip curtains can be highly cost effective and acceptable solution. Smaller ‘modules’ can even be given a ceiling to save yet more heat. 
Welding Booths and Curtains 
Guarding against dangerous flash 
Welding flash can be extremely harmful to the unprotected eyes of other workers on the factory or workshop floor. A curtain or booth of special, self-extinguishing strip solves all your problems. 
The overlapping dark-green or high-transparency bronze strips will take out over 99% of the dangerous UV transmission but welders can still move freely in and out. And, with the revolutionary Welding bronze strip which lets through most of the remaining light spectrum there is almost perfect two-way visibility. 
The strips can be hung from the frames arranged as fixed modules or mobile booths.