6 Ways to Make Your Business More Energy Efficient
Posted on 29th March 2019 at 14:18
Energy efficiency is a serious issue for any business. As we’ve written about before, for companies, it is vital to keep running costs to a minimum as well as to maintain a green ethos. However, finding the right solution to build up energy efficiency is tough. So in this article, we have compiled some of our top tips for businesses to improve their energy efficiency. If you want some advice on how to grow the greeness of your business, then read on.

Here are our six ways to make your business more energy efficient:
1. Turn Off Equipment

First and foremost, remember to switch off and unplug equipment at the end of each day when you leave the workplace! Offices, factories, and warehouses can use a large amount of energy by merely leaving computers and machinery on standby when they are not in use. That much has become common knowledge, at least. However, other equipment like microwaves, vending machines, kettles, and printers should also be turned off and unplugged to maximise your energy savings.
2. Install a Smart Thermostat
A smart thermostat is far more effective than a conventional one at improving the energy efficiency of your workplace. They will allow you to carefully time how much heat goes through your place of work throughout the day and are able to register the ambient temperature and adjust the heating accordingly. Because you can programme a smart thermostat to your required needs, you can also continually tinker with its settings to find the right balance between keeping your office or factory warm with keeping energy bills low.
3. Use Modern Refrigerators

Many businesses will want a staff room or space, and many staff rooms will need a fridge or fridge-freezer. Typically, it can be seen as a financially prudent move to buy a cheap bulky second-hand refrigerator. However, the older the fridge (both in terms of when it was first made, and how much wear and tear it has been subject to over the years), the higher the energy cost and the lower its energy efficiency. For example, refrigerators designed before 2001 can have as much as four times higher a running cost than ones developed in the mid-2000s onwards. While it is perhaps not wise to get rid of an old fridge just to buy a newer slightly more efficient one, it is always worth considering your business’ benefit if you upgrade.
4. Have an Energy Audit Completed
Audits are certainly not the most interesting things on the planet. However, an audit is a useful tool for knowing where your business is expending the most energy and where your business can reduce its spend. Many utility companies will offer a business free energy audits to find out where their money is going each month and suggest certain adjustments that you can make to help you lower your bill. Your energy supplier wants to help you so that you to feel grateful and stick with them, but you can take advantage regardless. Get their help and improve your business with an energy audit.
5. Consider Implementing Solar Power

For medium-sized businesses, solar power and solar panels can be a fantastic investment that protects you against ever-rising energy costs and regulatory changes. They usually come with little up-front costs, with government subsidies designed to help you build more of them. Installing solar panels is good; therefore both for your business and for the environment.
6. Add a High-Quality Garage Door
Garages are often the largest uninsulated room in a building, which can mean less energy efficiency and more heat transferred out of the rooms you want heat in and a colder work environment for your coworkers and yourself. Garage air temperature quickly transfers between rooms because of the uninhabited space between the garage and the rest of the property, and open garage door spaces especially allow heat to escape and the cold to get in. If your warehouse or factory has a garage, then consider installing a good quality garage door to reduce energy expenses and improve energy efficiency.
We at Zenith Doors can help you with anything you need when it comes to choosing the right door for your business. We have a range of amazing South West garage doors and other products which will be perfect for your needs. Call us today for a no-fee quote and see if we can help you.
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